We're here to help! We just need a little bit of information...
What system are you using?
Have you downloaded the latest version of Lens Studio?
Is this issue causing Lens Studio to crash?
What system do you run Lens Studio on?
Follow the next steps to help us solve your issue:
Copy and paste this text into your TerminalCommand Window
open ~/Library/Preferences/Snap/Lens\ Studio/ %LOCALAPPDATA%\Snap\Lens Studio Copy Text
- Press ReturnEnter to run the command. The Lens Studio folder will automatically open
Prepare to upload your files: zip the "Log" Folder by right-clicking and choosing "compress."Locate the Log.txt file right above it.
Attach a screenshot of the issue:
What is this most relevant to?
Please enter a brief description of your issue:
Thanks for submitting this issue.
Unfortunately, it's likely due to the operating system or hardware you're using – since they don't meet the system requirements for Lens Studio.
Still, we hear you loud and clear, and are logging the issue in case there's ever a workaround we can provide!
Minimum Requirements
Operating System: Windows 10 (64 bit); MacOS 10.11+
Hardware: Minimum of Intel Core i3 2.5Ghz or AMD Phenom II 2.6Ghz with 4 GB RAM; Intel HD Graphics 4000 / Nvidia GeForce 710 / AMD Radeon HD 6450 or better; screen resolution of 1280x768 or higher
We'll try to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thanks for letting us know about it!
Keep an eye out for a followup email from us. We may have a couple more questions for you, or we might already have a solution to offer.
Happy creating!

Hi Daily Blogs,
Have you uninstalled the application and reinstalled with a latest version via website?
And if so can send a screenshot of the lens studio error?
i get this error when ever i open the lens studio and i download the latest version of lens studio
from the official website of snapchat
Unfortunately that looks like at this point a fairly old model of laptop. You can go check for driver updates here though: https://www.dell.com/support/home/us/en/04/product-support/product/xps-14-l421x/drivers
Hi Daily Blogs,
We are looking into the issue and will send you an update via private message. Please look out for an email from Zendesk!
I am having the same Issue. Can someone help????

i have a problem.
I have the same problem. Please help.
Hello, I have the same problem. Can you help me?
Can I get help with this before I crash my computer 😂 mine says the same thing GPU or doesn't support openGL 4.1
I am having the same issue... Could you help me?
please help meeeeee urgent! I have the same probleme
Your GPU is not supported. It either doesn't support OpenGL 2.1 or has outdated drivers installed.
c ce que je vois si j'alume l'appli svpl vitee
I have a same problem 😞😞😞
Same problem 😡😡
Hey Shripad,
Your graphics card might not meet the requirements for Snap Camera.
If you are on a PC, you can try updating your GPU drivers.
I have the same problem.How to fix it?Please help!
Marta Nikolova
Next time make a new thread but can I see your GPU specs?
Hey @...,
Your GPU might need a driver update. Please check out our guide.
I am facing the same problem. Gou not supported or doesn't support open gl4. 1.
Lens studio please make a snap camera for small GPU 's and for other windows. Please 🙏🙏🙏 we also want to use this app. Please do something and reply to my comment also.
بالنسبه لحل هذه المشكله فك الضغط للملف واقفل البرنامج وشغل الملف بعد فك الضغط عليه
Fix the error by watching this video. steps to fix the error
TCHER MAGE thanks for helping me but in the download link which u have given is not working . It is showing that the file doesn't exist . Please give another link so i can download it.
HI Pragati, I have edited the download link. Pls try again and let me know if can open the app
Thanks alot!!!!
It worked but got a another problem i.e it is not working with zoom.
When I open zoom it shows icon of snap camera which flickers as if it is struggling. Please give solution to this also.
I believe u can do it .
And I also need ur no. Can u give me???
ola, estou com o mesmo problema de marta nikolova, entrei no link que a equipe do Lens enviou, Studio e quando você acessa o gerenciador de dispositos, o meu tem uma seta para o lado, quando clico nela, não aprece nenhuma opção, aparece apenas VERIFICAR ALTERAÇOES DE HARDWARE, E PROPRIEDADES. Espero ter uma ajuda !! Obrigado.
Olá, estou com o mesmo problema de marta nikolova, entrei no link que a equipe do Lens studio enviou e quando acessei o gerenciador de dispositos, o meu tem uma seta para o lado, quando clico nela, não aprece nenhuma opção, aparece Apenas VERIFICAR ALTERAÇOES DE HARDWARE, E PROPRIEDADES. Espero ter uma ajuda !! Obrigado. OBS: ISSO SIGNIFICA QUE MEU DRIVE ESTA ATUALIZADO??
Hello, I have the same problem as marta nikolova, I entered the link that the Lens studio team added and when I accessed the device manager, mine has an arrow to the side, when I click on it, there is no option, just CHECK HARDWARE CHANGES, AND PROPERTIES. I hope to have a help !! Thanks. NOTE: DOES THIS MEAN THAT MY DRIVE IS UPDATED ??
Hello, I have the same problem as marta nikolova, I entered the link that the Lens studio team added and when I accessed the device manager, mine has an arrow to the side, when I click on it, there is no option, just CHECK HARDWARE CHANGES, AND PROPERTIES. I hope to have a help !! Thanks. NOTE: DOES THIS MEAN THAT MY DRIVE IS UPDATED ??
Same Problem like others and i've updated all my drivers with DriverBooster and DriverHub, but the same problem again. SOS HELP !!!
If not, buy another PC.
Hi, I am facing the same problem. Gou not supported or doesn't support open gl41 Lens studio please make a snap camera for small GPU 's and for other windows. Please we also want to use this app. Thanks
I have the same problem as marta nikolova, I entered the link that the Lens studio team added and when I accessed the device manager, mine has an arrow to the side, when I click on it, there is no option, just CHECK HARDWARE CHANGES, AND PROPERTIES. I hope to have a help !! Thanks