[TUTORIAL] roblox 3D filter
what do we need?
- a roblox username
- roblox studio
- roblox load character plugin (lite)
- mixamo
- lens studio (ofcourse)
1. get the roblox username for the character you want to use.
2. open roblox studio
3. select default baseplate
4. remove the object in the middle of the scene by left click and backspace
5. press plugins
6. press load character
7. fill in the username, check spawn at origin, and spawn R15
8. change position and scale everything as desired
9. on the right of the screen in the explorer tab right click the 3d object
10. press export selection and select a destination folder to save it
11. zip the files
12. upload the zip file to mixamo, rotate as desired and attatch point correctly, select no fingers and press next
13. press download, select fbx binary and T-pose
14. upload the fbx to a new project in lens studio
15. add 3d object tracking full body to the object panel
16. slide the 3d object into the 3D body tracking
17. open 3D body tracking in the inspector panel click match hiearchy and select the fbx files
18. scale and postion the fbx file as desired
19. go to assets library and search for eraser and import it
20. add screen image and remove everything except orthographic camera
21. add eraser to the ortographic camera
22. in recources panel open eraser recourses, open textures and press portrait face segmentation
23. in the inspector panel change head to body
24. in recources panel go to scene config and switch ortographic camera and camera
Awesome tutorial!
thanks brandon!
Loved your tutorial appelsiensam I will try to make this lens this week
Have an eye to my snap id- tusharvig58
Thanks modelsbythor!
I wish you the best of luck with your filter :)
I really like your appelsiensam instruction. This week, I'll try to create this lens. Also, thank you for sharing this fantastic information; I'd want to learn more about this tutorial.
Thanks for participating. I have seen your issue and its ok on our side. I request you to please uninstall snapchat and install it again. I am saying because i am experiencing with this issue with my site and after uninstall it its working absolutely Fine.
mian what issue?
Chrismark431how did it work out? :)