Face mesh blend shape values when expressions are blank
When I'm using the expressions debug example, I see pretty high values for expressions like LipsPucker, EyeBlinkLeft, and EyeBlinkRight even when my mouth is closed and I'm not blinking. But, when my eyes are closed the values never register higher than 0.50. I have my project with the expression scripts correctly link to the Face Mesh object and the meshes in my fbx and wonder if there might be other settings in the face expressions project that could affect these values.
Can I have the download to your fbx model it's most likely that but from what I'm trying to understand is that when you close your eyes all the other face expression values don't work the same as it does when your eyes are open?
The face expressions range from 0-1 but are never guaranteed to hit either of those extremes. The face expressions template has a "Scale" parameter for each expression (if you click on the "Customize Expressions" checkbox on the expressions controller script) that you can adjust to make sure the eyes fully close for example.
Mike thanks for the information. However, I already tried the customization options but I can't make the mouth have a value below zero. The resting position (basis) is closed. If I disable the expressions controller and use the manual controls under the Mesh, it behaves the same way that it behaves in Blender, but when I re-enable the expressions controller the mouth is always halfway open as the starting position.
Interesting. It might be worth checking each blend shape one-by-one in Blender to make sure there isn't one affecting the mouth openness that shouldn't be.