Lenses Performing Poorly After Update
Hi Everyone / Team Lens Studio,
A few weeks ago I decided to update basically all of my lenses (a few I haven't yet), but I updated them all to resolve some bugs in a few lenses and to remove the add / subscribe prompt which most creators add to their lenses (most of my recent lenses I hadn't had it in but updated them for some new features), I took it out of mine as I thought it was taking away from the experience and because it was also an annoyance on Snap Camera which was a big issue that the users who use my lenses on Snap Camera were facing and because I have a Creator Profile so I didn't want to constantly remind them again to Subscribe to me as it's already present via the Lens Carousel options.
After updating all of my lenses, I noticed a few days later if not immediately that my lenses were performing poorly in regards to engagement and reach rather then what they had been previously and they currently still are performing poorly, I was wondering if anyone knows how to potentially resolve this or could leave some suggestions / feedback on what I should do to improve the engagement and reach of my lenses again, as I put a lot of effort into each Lens I make and publish and I done these updates in hopes to help improve them for the overall performance and engagement of them, to only see close to a month later that it's only made them worse, any form of suggestions / feedback would be greatly appreciated.
John brown yes you are right my lens also have reach down after update !
I have two lenses (Sharp and Alien Twerk) that consistently get a lot of views. I updated Alien Twerk a few weeks ago but I have not updated Sharp, so it can act as a control (but this is still fairly anecdotal).
Overall, Sharp (the lens that was not updated) has been getting lower views lately than it had been previously, so either across the board people aren't using lenses as much right now or it's just that this lens in particular is getting fewer views.
Alien Twerk, however, has had its daily views cut in half since the update. There is a very clear drop from day to day, but it had been rejected and it took me a few hours before I had time to put it back up, so the initial drop was due to that. But after the update the reach never recovered.
Based off my own experience, lens usage overall might be a little down right now, but updating lenses does indeed seem to negatively impact lens reach. Whether or not this is intentional is up to Snap to say, but the evidence that updating a lens will cut the views seems pretty strong.
What I'm unable to say is whether the act of updating a lens alone causes the drop or if the fact that Alien Twerk had been rejected is also to blame; I don't have a regularly performing lens that I've updated to see whether a rejection then an update or just an update by itself can cause the drop.