Creator Profile is not connected to my account
I recently got a creator profile and am looking to edit it, however it doesn't show up on my personal profile (when I tap the Bitmoji in the top left corner, there's no profile when I scroll down). You can see that I have one by searching my username rob.patterson13, however I can't edit this. Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
The profile you created is considered a business profile it's for uploading business lenses therefore deleting the business account would let you post lenses again on your Community Lenses.
@ItzJustSamuel I can still publish community lenses, but I cannot edit my profile online or through the app.
Change the organization top right when you are in the creator market
The organization only shows up at, not at any other subdomain.
I have the same problem that's why i deleted my account and i am waiting for activation
It's still a business profile it's not meant to be used as a profile for yourself.
I have the same probelm i dont see my profile on my device but people can see it there and i can edit anythng on website but not in app snapchat should take a look on this and let us delete an ad account