Tap to scale and rotate 2D images
I have been trying to make a background 2D image to rotate 90 degrees and scale 50% on the first tap, and return to the original position on second tap (back and forth with tap). I have watched all the tutorials I can find, I tried to use Tween Manager/Behavior, but it seems to only allow one animation at the time. Then I tried to use Visual Script Editor, but was only able to make the images array switch on tap. How does Tween animation works in visual scripting? Is it possible to this in visual scripting? Is there some example project I can see as reference?
Thanks a lot for the help,
I have made this code for you
and this is the download link for the project
Hey, thanks a lot, that is super helpful. One more question, How to add enable and disable object in this script? See I have two images, they are similar, but not the same. The idea is to enable the second image with same animation on tap, and then tab back to the first image. (first enable, then animation)