[Tutorial] Navigation Controller
Hello creators,
I'm going to present you, the best I can, the navigation controller. This UI is located in the Tools section of the Asset Library.
You have to drag the UI into the orthographic Camera
You can now use the joystick to move the cube in the preview panel.
Navigation UI Controller Script
- Move target : you can drop any kind of object (Images, 3D, Texts...). This object will be movable with the joystick
- Limit Movement : If you activate this tool, it will impose a movement constraint on the object. It will then be possible to move it only to the limit imposed.
- Move Speed : You can assign a movement speed to your object. A high number means a faster speed and by definition, a number close to zero is a slow speed.
- Apply rotation : By default, when you use the joystick to move your object, it will also rotate. To only move the object without rotating it, you have to disable this box.
- Show debug view : Again, by default, your object has a debug view to allow the user or creator to determine the distance of the object from the camera (this is useful for those who enable the limit movement box).
- Advanced : For the more advanced people who want to create their own joystick or debug mode, this option will allow you to create your own.
I only made an explanation of how the Script works.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask in the comments.
And for those who want to add or improve my tutorial don't hesitate either.
Great Tutorial!
I'm sure this will help out a lot of people!
Good tutorial !! :D
I was finding this tutorial on YouTube🤦🏻
Thankyou for this
this is a wonderful script!, is it possible to add wall collider so the object does not pass through it? I'm planning to create a maze using your script.
There are so many options to control the navigation you can visit here andlearn how you can get the best navigation control functions by learning some codes.
Thanks for this. I've been trying to work it out for days. Do you know if there is a way to add actions and end action. Say you had someone idle,start walk,walk, end walk then back to idle?
Hey JD ,
For everything that concerns actions, you have the scripts: Behavior and Tween Managers that can help you. Behavior allows you to launch an action via a facial expression, a TAP etc. While the Tween Managers will allow you to grow the object, turn it, make it disappear and reappear by fading etc.
For example, you want to make a square bigger when the person smiles. With the Tween manager script you select your square and choose the start and end dimensions and the duration it takes and you give it a name. Then with the Behavior script, you choose the smile action and you enter the name of the action in the tween manager.
If you need more information, I would be happy to show you how
Hello and thankyou.
The end goal is to control a character with the joystick controller you mentioned above just like you would in game. Like with the "follow-me" script the way it can go from idle to walk to idle, but with a controller, not a drawn spline.
If you do have any more tip or links that would be great, but if not, thanks anyway, the above is really helpful.