Ultimate Opacity Slider
Controlling image opacity with a slider seems to be a fairly common question, so I created a script that lets you control the opacity of images, color corrections, and materials.
You can find the script and tutorial here. It goes over how the script works, but if you aren't a coder you can just copy and paste the script. All you need is a UI slider and a target image and you are good to go.
I think the video is a little rambly, but I do spend a bit of time going over how the script itself works.
Thank you so much modelsbymike3d !
Thanks for the script and the tutorial! :D
Hi modelsbymike3d thanks for the tutorial and your help on YouTube. I've uploaded my project here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1irU238dWc-JgHLVZE4iyBnUziE5yORt9?usp=sharing
I'm sure it's something super basic, but I keep getting that api error, which stops me from being able to do or test anything with the slider.
Hi @...,
I can get the slider working if I recreate it from scratch, but that API error does keep appearing. Even though the opacity part is working, your lens probably wouldn't be accepted during submission due to the error.
Did you modify the UIColorPicker script itself at all?
Never mind, I got the script working.
Hey @..., here is a working version: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nFi2dmLBzuo-ld6onpQehBOD3sVX1wJZ/view?usp=sharing
I'm not exactly sure what was going on, but I recreated the opacity slider and then moved the opacity script outside of the UI camera.
I also modified the UI script so that you can add as many FaceMask components as you want to be controlled by the slider. Just click on the "Add Value" button to keep adding them (I only added the ones for the horizontal lines). This change doesn't work with the "showIf" script UI stuff, so if you want to use the opacity script in another project, you'll probably want to copy it from the original source again.
Hey modelsbymike3d, thanks so much for your help! I'm still not too sure what I was doing wrong or what you did to fix it aside from rebuilding, but it occurs to me that I copied the project from an older v3.3 lens I was working on, so maybe there was an issue there.
This is a really great tool and adds a lot of functionality to the lenses.
Hey modelsbymike3d sir !!
Your lens is op sir...I tried to make it with old paper post effect and smoothing effect
And you don't believe it was so hard to make it...I stood in computer for almost 2hours to edit the script for new ui toggle button...but finally I made it
Thank you so much @... ur a inspiration
See what I have done with this lens
Please teach me more modelsbymike3d you r my favorite teacher in this planet...I luv to watch your tutorials and make it very fast...please show your love to my snapchat Filter https://www.snapchat.com/unlock/?type=SNAPCODE&uuid=35407043d9ed4a46a97c8c62b5731524&metadata=01