Face Blur
Hiii friends,
I want to try making the face blur lens like Charles Hamblen to improve my lens skins hahaa. If someone can advise or help me please.
I'm talking about this one : https://www.snapchat.com/unlock/?type=SNAPCODE&uuid=bf79bd2444f74117a896d5a628f822ae&metadata=01
Hey ahmed_djazairii
If i understood you right, then you want to blur the face. You can do this for example with the depth of field template, which you can find by clicking here . Then just add a face segmentation.
Here is an example project I made for you https://we.tl/t-3KsSmWsQCs (link expires in 7 days)
Let me know if you have any questions as to how it works.
Hi SirQu3ntin,
Thankss for your comment,
I hadn’t thought of that, I will try your method.
Cheers, Ahmed_djazairii
Hiii Jonah Cohn,
Oww thanks a lot for this.
I’ll try this and I’ll come back to you if I get in trouble.
Cheers, Ahmed_djazairii