Taking a video shows a frame to the left and right of the screen unrendered
I made a project that has a link of camera's leading up to a camera with an image before it with the Render Target texture. The last camera with the image links the live and capture targets to Render Target 2. This way i can shrink a segmented person including a 3D object into a black background.
When i take a photo everything looks perfect but when i take a video on Snapchat a little bar appears to the left and right of the screen. I have adjusted all my cameras and backgrounds but no effect. Can someone help me out?
It's the same on every screen-filling lens out there. I'm running on iPhone 11. Check out below.
Lens Studio
Screenshot from Video
It's just a few pixels off but really annoying when exporting or taking a video snap.
Hey Danny,
This is a known issue with Lens Studio not handling FOV for iPhone 11 correctly. We're working on addressing it in a future update of Lens Studio.
Hey danny_413
I had the same issue last time. Nice to hear that Snapchat is working on it.