Pushing lens error
I get this error while trying to push my lenses
"14:29:39.958 The Lens was not pushed, error: Error transferring https://snap-studio-3d-dot-feelinsonice-hrd.appspot.com/_ah/upload/AMmfu6Yi-wAkeUmhgE3T6EbET4dlIMJ2ouhV_YzC5Kstisq6Qti2acXfP6gLoQBO7bHzwLw-jMU6NMy00lwjObQIGHREeCCaQ6VfVkogjvGoY2qji6xktJEA1Yadr88wzGYpk44WJ9Gw8PDJYHvgsPex4HvZOZawjYngsveMCxDMoJ8xOGMOC8S01GVCQutAKUCkUhAe8v80z4ZI0ee0LkgIU2MIP8IQGQ/ALBNUaYAAAAAXxgld0NGUEEhppAzJXlZkptzKgL-BlQ7/ - server replied: Bad Request "
Hey Biistis,
We had an issue with this yesterday but it appears to have been resolved on our end. Can you test it again to verify if you are still having an issue?
I tried with my laptop and it worked just fine. doesn't work on my pc but i'll try again in 15mins! (Tried several times like a hour or 2 ago and didn't work)