Skeletal tracking
I'm just trying out skeletal tracking but having a couple of issues. Do the images you import have to be square with the image positioned so the pivot point is in the middle of the image and placed the exact way the original images are? My images are just the shapes of themselves but after I resize and rotate them and I place the pivot point where I think it should go, nothing changes in the preview but the resizing and rotation. The images retain the same properties of the original images in the template attaching the middle of the image to the joint. They also ignore where they are supposed to point to.
Also when I resize and rotate the image in the 3D view and refresh the preview lens after I see no change there, everything reverts back to it's original size and place. Everything in the 3D view sill looks as it should but nothing is reflected in the lens preview.
I have tried to start a new project and use Skeletal Tracking that way too but the Tracking Controller isn't available that way.
Hey Richard,
Can you please share your project file so I can take a look at?