why updating a lens is taking more than a 6 hours?
I have to submit a lens in next 24 hours for a competition.
i tried to re-submitting a lens to change its icon.
its in review since 6 hours.
Together with that i uploaded a new lens ,which live but that lens is still in review.
here the link to lens , i have problem with
Hey. I'm Ali. I hear that you have a problem with submitting or updating your Lens.
So the problem could be that you are using something which is against the Lens Rules and they are reviewing it.
My second idea is that yours updating has failed due to maybe bad Internet or a glitch in the system.
Third, it could be that you aren't using the newest version from Lens Studio.
Try to restart your computer. This sometimes helps in many situations. Or just try to restart the Lens Studio programm.
Let me know if you still have trouble. :)
Btw check out my creator page. Let me know what you think. Thx :)
Thanks for replying.
I checked for update lens studio was updated.
still i reinstalled the software, still no change
Other than that i resubmitted to just change the icon and add a small bubble sound.
How and what should i do next cause i have a deadline in 24 hour and i have put a lot of effort in this.
Well then. I'm sorry to hear that those methods haven't worked. If I were you I would try to contact Lens Studio because this seems like a glitch in your Systems account.
I once also had an issue to log in into my Lens Studio account to upload my Lens. But it wasn't letting me login. So I was just waiting patiently and after about 4-5 hours of waiting I tried again and everything worked completely well.
But the problem is that you are saying that you done have much time.
You can maybe put this lens offline for right now and create another one for today and wait until the bug is fixed with that lens of yours.
Keep me updated? :)
I have reported the bug the support.
how long does it take to get it fixed.?
and is there any possible i can just stop the update , im okay with the previous lens.