Face In Video Not Working
Hi everyone. I am looking to add eyes and mouth to a short 2d png sequence. The video tutorial on Youtube only explains how to use Face In Video template if you use the LS project example. It does not say how to do it from a sequence NOT based off that example.
So I had to track the eyes and mouth of my sequence manually.
In the official tutorial, it says the logger will say the duration of the animated texture.
Mine does not give me a number like that. It simply reads...
I have repeatedly started this project over with no success, I can never get it to display the number.
I would have asked on Youtube but for whatever reason they disable comments. Which is quite silly if you ask me. Situations like this could be inquired on there versus having to run to the forum. Anyhow, a tutorial that goes more in depth and one that DOESN'T use the preexisting project template would be fantastic.
Hey Dominique,
I will be happy to help you with you Face In Video Lens.
Can you please share your project file and explain where is the part that you're experiencing problem.
I will try to help you fix the problem and this will help us for future tutorials.
Appreciate that Amir. Here is my project....
Since my initial post I did figure some stuff out but ran into more issues. I got the footage to import and display what speed the 2d sequence needed to be changed to. Thats no longer an issue. What I am having issues with now is getting the face inserts put on top of the animation and attached to the face based off the tracking data.
Thank you so much.
Hey Dominique,
Here is a quick tutorial on how to add a Face inset which is face part to the Face In Video template:
First in the Objects panel, open the Orthographic Camera and select the Tracked Image(Tracked Image is that image which gets attached to your video)
Then, in the Inspector panel, just DISABLE the Image component. Make sure NOT to delete it.
Next, Lets add a Face Inset object by selecting the Add New -> Face Inset in the Objects panel.
This will add a Face Inset under the Head Binding which we dont want. We need Face Inset to be in the screen space.
Now select the Face Inset 1 object and then copy the Face Inset component in the Inspector panel by clicking on the gear icon and select Copy.
After coping the component we can go ahead and delete the Head binding.
Then, select the Tracked Image object one more time and
and paste the component by clicking on the gear and select Paste in the Inspector panel as you can see in the gif below:
Also for your problem that you're not seeing the Frame Rate error it means that is all set for your video.
Now you can see that you have a Face Inset in the Face In Video template.
If you want more for eyes and nose you can duplicate the object and set as a children of the Tracked Image object.
Hope this will help you to fix the problem.
Have fun creating Lenses,