camera flash effect
Hi everyone,
I'm looking for a way to create a camera flash effect for my lens. It just needs to fill the screen with white for a second and return to normal, wait a few seconds, and repeat in a loop. No need to activate on tap as this will just be a constant effect. Seems simple but I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on how to do this as i can't think of a way. Maybe post effect?
Many thanks as always!
Hi Mike G.,
Are you looking for a camera flash effect like the one here, or the one here?
Thanks for your reply Neha.
I think the second one is more like what we need, which is a flashing camera effect - but without the colour distortion if possible.
Hi Mike,
You can accomplish this using a full screen white image for the flash, and the built-in tween scripts for the fading animation.
Add a new full screen image using Add New > Screen Image. Set the Stretch Mode to "Stretch" so that it fills the whole screen, and set Texture to a blank white texture. (You can easily create one in Lens Studio by creating a new Unlit Material in the Resources panel, then finding the Base texture in the Textures folder). Set the Alpha to 0 so that it starts out invisible.
Now, for the animations, create the Tween Manager in the Objects panel using Add New > Helper Scripts > Tween Manager. Delete the child object underneath it with all the example tweens.
Find the "TweenAlpha" script in the Resources panel. It should be in the folder Tween / TweenTypes. Add the TweenAlpha script to your Screen Image object by first selecting the Image object, then dragging and dropping the script onto it in the Inspector Panel.
Set up the tween to start at 1.0 and end at 0.0, with Loop Type set to "Loop". Set Time to how long the flash should take to fade out. Set Delay to how long the animation should wait between flashes. Also make sure you set Easing Type to "In" so that it fades nicely. My setup looks like this:
You can learn more about the Tween system here:
If you need more control over the animation, you can also try using a Behavior script to set the alpha, and another to play the tween after a delay. Read about Behavior script here:
Let me know if you need any more help with this.