Game idea - scripting help needed [Paid]
Hi everyone,
I have an idea for a lens. It involves using front camera and should have body and head moving to avoid falling obstacles. You get a point for each one you avoid. So this is a scoring game, with a countdown timer set at 10 seconds. Score should be shown at the end.
First of all: is this possible to do? I am sure there is head detection ability but not sure of upper body. The other thing is I woudl require some help with this as i can only provide the art. Would be interested in collaborating with a dev who can let me know if this is possible and then we can discuss budget.
Ideally need this done by the end of ths week.
Many thanks
Using the behavior script, specifically the distance check feature is going to be the route for this lens to work. If you don't go this route you will need to use a physics engine like Canon.js