My Recent (BAD) Experience With Support
I have grown exceedingly frustrated with support as of lately.
Here is a quick rundown. My friend who is a radio DJ got a new gig on a local radio station. I wanted to do something fun for him so I made him a lens with his face as a facemask. (was not paid to do this, I just did it cause he is my friend) So his fans can become him/wear his face. I submitted a face mask lens and it was rejected. The reason, LS claims it may be offensive to certain people. This was NOT offensive in any way but I thought no big deal, I will submit again. It was rejected 2 additional times, even when I altered it.
I filled out a support ticket. The person who responded to me told me the lens was rejected because it could be potentially offensive. (Same exact thing LS told me) I asked how. I was ignored. I then followed up with another question on what I needed to do to get this approved. I was ignored.
A few days later I tried again to create the lens and still ran into the same issues. I even made a major alteration to it.
It was live for about 4 hours and again, rejected. The reason, it may contain illegal activity or promotion of snapping while driving. HOW!?!?!
So, I filled out ANOTHER support ticket. I explained the situation in its entirety. I also included my former run-in with support and how I felt I was not assisted when asking for help. They just repeated what LS told me as far as the reason why it was rejected. I also included that I was ignored on my follow up and that I was literally not helped despite my questions and attempts to make this right.
The support person from the first ticket then emailed me saying that they addressed my questions in the initial email. That's all. Once again leaving me high-and-dry with no real support or direction at all. That is not what happened, I asked follow-up questions and was ignored initially. I will say that this person came off as annoyed that I tried to open another ticket. She was not rude, but that is how it came off.
I told support that I understand the need to filter lenses. I get it. But I also went on to say that the lenses were not offensive on any level. I asked again how the iitial lens was potentially offensive and asked how the altered one encouraged snapping while driving or that it contained illegal material. I was then sent this...
Support once again did not help or offer a solution. They only repeated what they had already told me and did not tell me why nor how to fix it.
She threw in the "PLEASE NOTE" sentence at the end of the email. So she was clearly taking my questions as offensive. I responded with this...
Once again, I was ignored after that and had no response.
I will go onto say I respect and understand the need to filter lenses. My lens were not offensive, nor did they promote illegal activity or encourage snapping while driving. I like Lens Studio. However, this type of dealings with people who use your product (despite whatever product it may be) is not a good look. I feel if support simply took 2 seconds to actually look at my lens they would have seen that the approve/reject algorithm was incorrect when judging my lens. I would go onto assume they could flip a switch on their end and it could have fixed everything. However, I was given the runaround, ignored, and made to feel I was inconveniencing them simply by filling out a support ticket and asking for help.
I think the face swap thing is what considered offensive
Try to make it clear, then resubmit and see if it solves it