Getting Lenses into the Community Lenses
I have made a few Lenses over the past few months, and I haven't seen any appear in the suggested community lenses page.
I was just wondering if there is a way that helps getting them in there, or if the lenses are hand picked etc. Or is the recommended Community lenses where only popular lenses and OLC lenses are shared?
I would love to see one of my next lenses in there and hope that you might be able to outline a way for this to happen
My Lens Creator Profile is:
Kind regards,
Daniel (deejdrobo)
Hi Daniel,
Thanks for reaching out! Great Lenses!
I recommend checking out this Guide on how to optimize sharing your Lens. It could then start trending in Lens Explorer. We have Lenses trending from our Official Lens Creators and from our Community Lens Creators.