front facing model appearing in rear world lens
I have a crown model in front facing lens which is using the sunglasses template project.
I also have a World lens particles effect 'look around object' which i imported into the project for the rear camera.
The only problem is that when i point the rear camera at a face the crown also appears. I want the crown to appear in front camera only.
I used this tutorial;
but it still doesnt fix the 'crown appearing in the rear camera' issue.
Thanks in advance for any help.
Hey Mike,
You could create a workaround by using this script -
// @input SceneObject[] obj
var event = script.createEvent("CameraFrontEvent");
event.bind(function (eventData)
for (var i = 0; i < script.obj.length; i++)
script.obj[i].enabled = true;
var event = script.createEvent("CameraBackEvent");
event.bind(function (eventData)
for (var i = 0; i < script.obj.length; i++)
script.obj[i].enabled = false;
Just add this code to a script, add that script to an empty scene object, and select the crown in the inspector where it says 'obj'. That will disable it when you change to the rear camera, and enable it when it is on the front-facing camera.