Video not playing until up close
I have a video as a texture and for whatever reason it can only be seen playing if you are physically really close to the plane.
When not up close it just shows the first frame of the video.
The texture is on a mesh as it's main material.
It also works as expected in lens studio so it seems like something to do with when it's running in snapchat.
My phone is a oneplus 5T.
Any thoughts?
Also seems to play if i zoom in on the camera which is strange.
It might be that the mesh has to take up enough space on the screen to start visibly playing the animation?
Hey Ashley,
That sounds odd. I'll follow up with you offline for us to take a deeper look. Be on the lookout for a Zendesk email coming your way!
Was this ever resolved? I'm having the same issue - additionally, once the video texture is playing, if I tilt the camera at and angle or slowly back away, it starts to blend the video with the first frame, creating an (unwanted) ghosting effect.
Hey Eric,
Ashley never actually replied to my offline thread so I figured he was able to fix it. Since it's still an issue for you I will follow up with you offline to gather more details.
Hello, is there a solution to this issue? I am having the same problem right now.
Hey just in case anyone else comes across this, the solution for me turned out to be the size of the video file. When I got it to around 1mb (in lens studio) it worked for me!