Camera Texture, distortion issue?
When I apply a camera texture to a mesh, like a 3d Plane. The incoming camera texture becomes distorted. (As the phone camera isn't a square like UV space)
It's possible to manually counter this issue by setting a custom UV scale to get the camera to appear less stretched, but is it possible to do avoid this?
Okay I guess typing it out helped me realize what I needed to do. So i will share my solution.
If you create a Orthographic Camera, with "Use Hardware Parameters" on, this will give you a camera constrained to the device size.
Then, if you create another Orthographic camera ontop of that one, (same world space) and give it a Custom Aspect ratio (1)
You should get something like this, simply create a camera texture from the second camera you made (1 aspect ratio one) and viola, you have a non-distorted camera texture.