Sprite alignment issue
I'm having an issue positioning a sprite in the bottom of the screen.
I'm using an orthographic camera with a sprite as a child, here's my settings in lens studio :
On the preview and my iPhone (6s) it works but when I try on smaller or bigger screens like an iPhone 5 or iPhone X it's offsetted
On bigger screen it's okay though because it's offsetted to the top but on smaller screen a part of the snapchat UI is hiding my sprite
Is there a way to align it just on top of the carousel ?
Thanks in advance for your help!
Hey Robin, sorry for the delay here!
You can account for the device's aspect ratio to position the element. Here's a script that should do what you want. You likely need to modify it for your use but you should be able to get the idea. It takes in the device camera texture and the billboard you want to position. It then offsets it from the bottom of the screen (positive number).
Wow, that's exactly what I needed!
Thanks a lot for the answer Travis!