Large file size for Lens GIFs and PNG/JPEG Sequences
Hello Lens Studio!
Would anyone have an explanation as to why when I have a PNG/JPEG sequence or a GIF smaller than 300KB locally, then import it into Lens Studio, the file size is over 1-2MB in the lens? With the 4MB restriction on public lenses, you can see where this can cause issues when developing intensive lenses.
Thank you for your help,
you might want to check out the optimization tips, i had no such problems with PNG, although it was a little too big, i swapped to JPG and lowered the quality.
Hi Jordan, check out the 2D optimization guide here:
(Note, there are broken images in the above guide. We are fixing)
When a GIF is imported, it gets converted to a Sprite sheet. The resulting sprite sheet might need to be compressed via something like TinyPng. You can do this by adjusting the assets in your public folder which is discussed in the above guide.
In parallel, we will investigate making the resulting sprite sheet's file size more inline with your imported file size.