Is it possible to create a background?
Is it possible to create a background that will go behind a 3d mesh and scale to the camera? I tried using a billboard, but no matter what I try (projecting camera to camera, moving it, changing camera type, etc) it always appears infront of the mesh. I'd love any help if anyone knows a solution to this.
Hi there! Using a billboard is probably the best way to create a full screen background. The problem with using a billboard is that it uses a separate camera called an orthographic camera. And by default, this camera renders above the normal camera. Follow these steps to make the orthographic camera render behind the normal camera:
Alternatively, you could achieve the effect by making a 2D sprite the child of the camera. Then, just make sure this sprite is the first object in your objects panel (for 2D sprites, the order in the objects panel determines its render order). For more info on render order, search for "Render Order" in this guide:
Thank you so much! I managed to figure it all out myself except for the last step. You're a life saver!