Tap on screen button
Hello friends !
I am new to the lens community and was looking to make a tap on screen button.
Let me explain. I have a credit picture (PNG), it is written
"This lens was made by blablabla....
Tap on screen"
And when you *tap on screen* it starts the picture or the lens.
That's it. How could i do that please ?
Hey Shasha,
First, you would add that credit PNG as a Screen Image. Then, add the Behavior Script in the "Helper Scripts" Section. Leave the Trigger as is on Touch Event, and change the response type to Set Enabled. Add your Screen Image Credits as the Target. Then, copy this script component, and paste a copy under it. Change the trigger to Lens Turned On, and in the response, change the action to Disable.
This is what your scripts should look like when you are done!
Let me know if you have any questions!
Hello Ben !
I am so happy i was looking for this for soooo long !
Just something, we are almost achieving my goal but the thing is that it shows nothing then when you tap on screen it shows the credits.
I want this: You click on the lens -> lens starts -> it shows directly the credits "Lens made by bla-bla... tap on screen to use" -> User tap on screen and THEN it shows the second picture"
Do you get what I mean ? Thank you a lot !!!!
Here you go,
Let us know if we can help you with anything else.
I got it ! The credits disappear when you tap on screen. But now I need to enable the Second picture once the credits disappear
Hi Mikael !
Yes that's exactly what I want Thank you ! But why the pictures doesn't fit in ? I mean it looks so small ?
Normally it must fill the screen i have 1080x1920 size picture so it fits in the whole screen
You can play around with this:
Thank you guys !!!!
i need airy shadow data.