Ability to label script components in the inspector panel
Hey Lens Studio Team,
I've have been utilizing the behavior script and have 8 different script components added to a single empty object. When you have many scripts added as components, it's hard to remember what script does what without tediously expanding and collapsing. Can we just name the script components? The "Script" at the very top would become, "Face Event: Mouth Open - Play Animation" or whatever, basically eliminating looking at the inspector window and seeing 8 script components that are all named "Script"
Doesn't that look non-descriptive when you see many script components in a row in the inspector?
Hey Georgie Boy,
Thanks for the suggestion! We'll take it into consideration.
In the meantime, I've found that a good way to organize situations like this is adding empty child objects with one Behavior script on each. That way you can name each one however you want, and easily select it to view. Here's a quick example:
Hey Jacob,
That's a lovely way to organize all the scripts, definitely wouldn't have thought of that on my own. Thanks for the tip! Is there any consequence to the execution order of scripts if they are setup in this manner? For instance:
Based on the objects panel example below, does the script execution order go:
I'm guessing that's how it works. I like your tip for the empty child object. What's the difference between an empty scene object and an empty child scene object?
Thanks for any info,
- George
Yes that order looks correct, the scripts will execute in order starting at the top and going to the bottom.
There's no difference between an empty object and child object, I just like putting them under a parent for organization and so it's easy to collapse them all :)
Nice! I'll definitely use this organizational method moving forward, makes a lot of sense :)