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Happy creating!

Hey Isaiah, glad you found a solve! Just FYI, we also just added a guide which shows you to work with multiple animations using a single animation layer. With this technique, you pass in start and end times to define your separate animations. The guide includes scripts which are meant to replace the scripts in the interactive templates if you want to work this way. Check it out!
UPDATE- I solve my problem by selecting the object, then going to the animation tab and changing the layer names.
Hi Isaiah,
Can you please explain the workflow more detailed? I have a character animation in Cinema 4D and I have the same issue. The main thing I am interested is the FBX export from Cinema 4D and how should the animation layers be. I have tried a lot but there is no way I can get the two animation layers into Lens Studio, only one layer. Thanks!
I'm having the same problem as you Florin.
Only 2 out of my 6 animation layers are being recognised once imported into Lens Studio. I have a character rigged with a hip goal and arm & leg goals.
Only the hips and head are animating (simple rotation). The arms and leg animations do not have the movie reel icon next to them.
I've followed the guides for file exports correctly and have everything set up as shown.
Hey Ben,
You cannot export animation layers from Cinema 4D but you can create a FBX file which has all of your animations in it and then use the Animation Without Layers guide to simply switch between your animations state with time instead of layers.
Hey Amir,
Thanks for getting back to me. I'm referring to an FBX exported into Lens Studio from C4D.
I've exported out as an FBX using your guide - https://lensstudio.snapchat.com/guides/3d/3d-software/cinema-4d-3d-object-export/
The problem is that my C4D animations are not being recognised as animations once I've imported my FBX into Lens Studio. The arms and legs remain static and do not appear with the movie icon next to them, so I cannot select them as animations.
If you look at the screenshot, both the L_Arm_Goal and R_Arm_Goal layers have animations applied in C4D but these are not being registered in the FBX in Lens Studio. So I can get the Hip_Goal and Head_Goal (not shown) animate correctly but cannot select the arms.
I've done nothing fancy in C4D with the arm animations, they're just spline wraps with the X and Y positions changing. Is this a layering/hierarchy issue perhaps?
Thanks, Ben
Hello Ben,
Can you please share your file so we can see what is the problem?
Hi Amir,
It's client work so happy to share but is there any way to PM you?
Hey Ben,
I can set up a chain for you to directly message with Amir.
Hang tight,
Great, much appreciated Kaitlyn :)
I'm having the same issue as Ben. Would someone be able to help me out as well?
Hey Dan,
Can you explain your problem and please share your project files.
Hello Travis,
Your descriptions about C4D and animation in one layer would help us if you could reactivate links above. I try follow step by step the description to create two animations in single timeline. But unfortunatly i still have 2 objects instead of 1
in Lens Studio
Could you please tell me more
Hello Francois,
We updated the link in the official comment but I will put it here also:
The number of object in your Objects hierarchy is not related to the animation layers.
When you export from Cinema 4D please check your objects panel and make sure to delete all your disabled object so you wont get that in Lens Studio.
When you export the animation from Cinema 4D it always come in one layer and then you need to use Animation Mixer component to divid your animation into multiple clips(Layers).
In the link above, on the bottom of the page you will see the guide for Animation Clips.
I hope this will help you to fix your problems.
Thanks Amir it's clear and it works!
Now i've got both objets at the same time. I pick from the "Interactive Tap" template, and i would like to switch anim when i tap on screen. Is it also from the Animation Mixer ?
Hey Francois,
Can you please explain more what you want to do?
Do you want to create an experience which when you tapped the animation changed?
Yes If you want to do that you need to use Interactive Tap template and use Animation Mixer component to divide your animation into Idle and Tap.
You can see the template guide here.
Thanks again but, this is what i've got. Both 3D animations are playing at the same time.
Hello Francois,
The first problem is you need to set your Idle animation From and To time.
right now your idle animation is from 1.00 to 250.0.
In order to that you need to select your clip and set the From and To values:
Then You need to make sure that your using right animation clip name on the script. In order to that select the "WorldObjectController [EDIT_ME]" object in the objects panel and change name of the Idle anim layer and Tap animlayer to your animation clip names.
Cool Amir it works ! Animation is playing when i touch screen,
But i still have the "IDLEAnimation" running at the same time.
And 3D animations are not running normaly. It's looks like "paymobile" It is not smooth anymore but rigid
Hey Francois,
Can you please share your project file so I can investigate.
Sure, thanks !
Do you have any answers?
Hello Francois,
Can you please share the project file then I can give you the right answer.