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And despite you taking all of it down, Snapchat can still see what you've previously posted
Not Inappropriate content? On your account there's been posted: - A photo of a photo-shopped man with female breasts - A post telling a man to go boil his wife - A video of a naked man dancing (...
I personally don't believe you require a Public Profile, from what I've just seen with the current inappropriate content that's posted to your story, if anything I'd take a step back and think / re...
Awesome Lens, keep up the great work :) <3
Hi gogoanimefree, From what you've mentioned about only being able to Take a photo when using the Anime Style Lens on Snapchat, I believe its because of your Device, (if you're using an Android Dev...
Hi Noahpreston_2, to achieve the outcome that you'd like, whether you're Using the Original Camera or an Orthographic Camera, you need to make sure that the Fisheye Ring is at the Bottom, Below the...
Hi Conde, If you're Referring to the Male / Female My Twin Lenses, here are the Links: My Twin (Male) - https://www.snapchat.com/unlock/?type=SNAPCODE&uuid=b5dd69e2e39d4240be6b56e2bc4b4856&metadata...
Hi Diego Povdea, To do what you're after, you could use some Behavior Scripts, as shown in the Screenshots below. So you create a Scene Object and then attach a Behavior Script to it via the Inspec...
Hi Saad Al-Faridi, This typically happens to a Lens Preview (Snap or Video), if the Aspect Ratio of the File isn't 9:16. The Best Preview size (Simulation) from Lens Studio to Export with is the iP...
Hi apkarc, It's not illegal to download the Snapchat Application on Android (apk) or iOS (ipa). But a modified version of the Application isn't allowed and results in some consequences. Depending o...