Sub: @tusharvig58 | Lens Creator | Augmented and Virtual Reality Content Learner | I make all type of 3d lens, Business lens, Gaming lens, Birthday Party lens and many more.. | 580 Million Views on snapchat filters with a 775 days snap play time | 303 Subscribers on my Youtube Channel - Models By Thor where i give tutorials how to make it...feel free to learn from me #wewillgrowtogether
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Loved your tutorial appelsiensam I will try to make this lens this week Have an eye to my snap id- tusharvig58
Good job buddy !! Keep it up
I have only change the blending option of screen image from normal to multiply you can also use darken to remove the white screen...I haven't saved that project....you are doing good work...keep it up
I changed blend of your screen image from normal to multiply...the white screen is gone from there...but the person image is not clearly visible....if u tap on the screen you will see the t-shirt c...
@... did u received my mail ?
Hey modelsbymike3d sir !! Your lens is op sir...I tried to make it with old paper post effect and smoothing effect And you don't believe it was so hard to make it...I stood in computer for almost ...
Mail this project in rar file to me tusharvig001@gmail.com ...I will fix your problem and send back asap...in this image I think u r having only one problem i.e the body is overshadowed by white ba...
Hahahahahahaha @... Its just on other level imagination...u r saying that you will made a lens in which we will open our mouth and second lens will open by trigger script...isn't it is a mad idea :...
Hi @... Use move tool to move the image forward or first add white backround and after that red square
Hey @... Use Move tool..which you will find in parent space Just above the 3d scene