My name is Hamza Haroon and I am a self-taught Cinematic Video creator from Pakistan Currently working as Mr. HaMo on a well-known website YouTube.
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Thanks a lot <3
Franziska Schneider I'm glad someone responded with a good example. that is exactly what I was looking for. can you share the project file so I can learn some scripting and get my idea done?
snapbyviko I have eaten the whole internet and then post this request. I think you didn't understand my request.
loganclark_1 I'm glad if you can help me with this.
alikamal.93 I'm the same person who message you on Instagram related to this lens and you haven't reply. and now you're posting the lens on my post. what a incident??
Hey @SirQu3ntin Thanks you for helping.
Jason K will you give your contact info or would you please contact me on snapchat (HamzaHaroon1314) i need your help related to lens studio.
Yes That upload from gallery i'm asking for it.
Yes That upload from gallery