[Solved] Multiple non-default location assets in a project
The Location Asset menu only displays some supported locations. For those not listed, it appears you need to download separate template projects. Unfortunately, those don't appear to allow their Location Asset to be extracted.
Is there a way to extract these location landmarks for using many of them in a single project?
I do not think it's possible and even if it is, the lens size will be very big.
Ah maybe that's it. Although it does seem like the location data is streamed at runtime.
Thanks again for your help with my questions, Abdullah!
Always happy to help and engage with the awesome LEns Studio community
The latest Lens Studio version (4.16.0) now lets you add custom locations by ID. I haven't tested it but it appears to directly solve my initial question.
The new Custom Location resource looks like it could solve my issue, however I don't know the location IDs for the Snapchat provided landmarker locations. (E.g. Arc de Triomphe and the other templates available here). Using the name that appears in the Inspector doesn't work. Could Snapchat provide these IDs?
My use case is to have one Lens project that can target multiple different landmarkers. The only way to achieve this currently is to download and keep separate template projects for each target we support. This is a workflow nightmare when trying to keep all projects synchronized.
I would be very happy If we had a list of the template location IDs and if they can be used in custom location assets
Edit: I realized that you actually can export Location Assets. I exported and imported these into my base project. The location assets are very light weight. I was even able to import the landmark models and only add ~0.5 MB to my Lens size. The only caveat is I need to use multiple Device Location Tracking components because the Location Asset cannot be reassigned through script