Segmentation and CreateDelayTexture asset
I am trying to build an effect that creates a trail of the user with a segmented background. I am able to create the delay trail however when I apply the segmentation it only takes the live camera and doesn't delay the mask.
Does anyone know a way to delay the segmentation mask in order to segment the trail?
Thanks in advance!
You need to setup a separate set of delayed textures for the segmentation. I'm assuming you are using the delayed texture asset from the asset library. Whatever you have for the original delay trail, you need to duplicate for the segmentation texture.
thanks mike, i'll give that a go
Unfortunately when I delay the person segmentation texture it seems to break the texture. When I apply it the texture as a mask, nothing renders.
If I apply the non-delayed segmentation mask it works as intended, albeit not delayed.
Have you got any ideas/solutions to this?
I’ve done this exact thing so I know it’s possible, I just don’t remember exactly what I did. You might need to output the segmentation texture to a separate render target and use that for the delay texture stuff.
I tried using a separate render target, however I get this error.
It seems like you can only put the Device Camera Texture as the input to the CreateDelayTexture. Were you using a different delay component?
Ah yes, I remember now. I believe I edited the delay texture script and removed the check for the device camera texture.
modelsbymike3d Callum Fowler Would you share a modified asset? i could update it in the Asset Library!
Thank you modelsbymike3d! Yes, removing the camera texture check worked.
Olha I'm unsure how to share the modified asset, but all I did was comment out the checkInputs() if statement on line 80 of the CreateDelayedTexture script and ran the init() function.