How to manipulate variables from another JS script or component in runtime from my script graph?
I am using SnapML FaceGeometry prefab in my project that has a "Face Geometry Controller" to change variables like "eyesHeight" or "noseProportion". I can set the values manually in the inspector.
What I would like to achieve is to make a Lerp between set values over time so the face geometry slowly changes into another shape in runtime.
I have set my own script graph "FaceDeformControl" and am looking for a way to access and set those variables in Face Geometry Controller.
While writing this, I have realized that that SnapML FG script is being initialized with the set values at the beginning and gets reset in editor on value change. So I guess no to runtime changes?
On another try with Face Stretch component where I want to change the "Feature" value gradually in runtime.
Is there a way? and which node should I use instead?