This Lens is invalid [Error]
Hello there - Hope all is well.
I have working on my ML Model and add it to Style Transfer Template.
But when I try to Publish the Lens It's getting :
"This Lens is invalid"
If I add any script for Ex like "Behavior Script" It's showed to me :
This Lens is invalid.
When I remove the script the Lens going Live, So I don't have any other errors It's only because of the script I added.
Is there any other message with the rejection? When you push your lens to your device to test, what is the framerate?
“Your Lens failed for the following reason(s):
This Lens has one or more errors on certain devices. Before resubmitting, please reach out to Lens Studio support for help.“
Just that message showed to me, As I said there’s no errors when I remove the behavior script that I add it’s getting approved, Also when I send it to device it’s works good. Try to submit a Style Transfer with behavior script or any other script you’ll have the same issue.