[Guide] How To Make A Viral Lens
Hi Guys
This is a simple step by step guide i made to help out new lens creators getting start or creators who's lens don't get enough attention whether it's views or plays or even both . This Guide won't guarantee your lens becoming a viral sensation but completing / following some of the steps in the guide will help in your lens gain a new audience and more use / attention.
Step 1 : Len
Step one of making a viral Len is by making sure your len is unquiet. I know this sounds super easily and simple but you guys won't believe the number of creator's who fail at this step. Some creators get inspired by other creators lens and end up just copying the other creators lens whether unknowingly doing so or just flat out stealing the len. You don't want to do this because it doesn't make your len unquiet / special and the whole point of making lens to express your creativity and it helps your len stand out of the crowd and other millions of other lens.
Step 2 : Len Cover & Preview
Having a good len Cover & preview is really important because it lets users see what your lens is about and lets them deiced whether they want to use your lens or not.
I recommend having a nice clear good picture / video of either you or a friend using the the lens in action to help users picture themselves using the lens .
Step 3 : Tags
Having good tags to your lens can either make or break your lens. Tag are how snapchat recommends your lens to user. You can have the best lens ever made but if doesn't have the right tags then no one is going to see it.
Note the Tags Shown above it just an example
it's important to use good trending tags that are about your len or ones that are relative to your topic. Another static i like to use is also having some of my tags in the title of my lens to help the len rank higher on the search list.
Step 4 : Share
Step four is sharing . When your len is ready you should share it with your friend or on your story. Sharing a len with your friends or on your story is important because it helps gives you good feedback to learn and make better lens . And also people who view their stories will be able to find your len and use if they like it , creating a snowball effect further spreading your len's reach and possibly gain more users.
I hope you guys find these helpful ,Try out these few step and let me know how well they worked for you . And if you guys want more tips / steps comment below asking for more and i will be sure to make a part 2 . :)
Did This guide help you out ? let me know drop a comment or concern below 😄
I would choose other tags instead of 'new' or 'trending', but apart from that this is a very good guide.
Thanks a lot!
Hi SirQu3ntin the Tags were just an example i didn't actually use those tags 😄
Hey Jason K
alright, great guide, thanks for helping so much people!
Thank you SirQu3ntin
Thanks a lot
foryou4111 Thank you