Public Profiles For All Snapchat Users
About a week ago, I read on an article that Snapchat will be implementing public profiles for all snapchat users. I am wondering if there is anything special for lens creators, something to tell apart from regular snap users. It is a bitter feeling for lens creators like myself to work hard and be passionate making filters with no type of recognition in return. I know that this does not relate to Lens Studio, but many lens creators with public profiles are concerned about this upcoming snapchat feature.
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My Honest Answer
MY SNAP: ausfish17
I do agree that lens creators and people with the star should get a thing that stands out to the others but I also like what they are doing with this they can make a profile based on them selfs they can make there own company and make a name for them selfs but I also think they should they should not give everyone public profiles but I think they should make the standards lower because some people can't reach to the standards im 50/50 on both sides but I do agree lens creators and people with the star should be getting something that makes them stand out maybe like a color name or like another special badge.
This is my honest answer
Totally agree, this whole public profile and giving it to everyone isn't the smartest move for us creators, especially for the honest people who have worked hard and put hours into creating Lenses and contributing to the community, it completely takes away the special feeling of it being earnt. and it kind of makes me upset to see snapchat head in this direction. Sorry snapchat i believe this is not the smartest move in the longterm use of snapchat.
I also agree with you guys. Public profiles for all users would be a really bad idea.
I deleted my post because it caused more misunderstandings for something we mostly were aligned on.
I'm thankful to those who took the time to hear me out and understand exactly what it was I was trying to convey.