[Tutorial] Mini Game 05 -- Game Design, Tween Animation and Sounds
Hi everyone!
For the past few weeks we have been building this mini game, and finally we have reached the last chapter of it! Woohoo!
Check out our past tutorials here:
[Tutorial] Mini Game 01 -- Infinite Instantiation, Timer, and Randomization
[Tutorial] Mini Game 02 -- Duplicate & Recycle Textures and Materials
[Tutorial] Mini Game 03 -- Game States, UI Scores, and Persistent Storage
[Tutorial] Mini Game 04 -- Game Structure and Game States
Today we will be focusing on the art style of this mini game, making it more polished looking, attractive and overall engaging. Let’s get started!
Creating a Cohesive Style
Let’s first take a look at what we have now. This is our Start screen and gameplay screen:
Then after having missed 5 cookies we’ll have a ‘game over’ screen:
We’ll notice that we have a very bright and cartoony color palette now, we can emphasize on that and ‘upgrade’ it to a more established comic art style with a ‘sticker pop art’ aesthetic to it.
For example, we can try to experiment with different food items instead of cookies. Nothing wrong with using cookies, but let’s try something new just for fun. Such as… donuts! Here’re a few donuts I’ve made:
Would be great to drop these in a random order. To do so we’ll need to add a little tweak in our code.
On top of our Manager script where we input our prefab, we’ll just change that into an array:
//@input Asset.ObjectPrefab[] objectPrefab
And in SpawnObject(), just create a random index number then apply that to the prefab array:
var randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random()*script.objectPrefab.length);
var newObj = script.objectPrefab[randomIndex].instantiate(script.getSceneObject().getParent());
Then we’ll create 2 more new prefabs and replace the texture, then input all the prefabs into our prefab array.
We’ll also change the color palette a bit to match with our donuts. We’ll also create new visuals for the failing hint. Instead of cookies we can be adventurous and use smiley and ‘shocked’ faces.
We’ll replace textures in our cookie-sad-face materials. We’ll also need to make a small tweak in our code. Instead of changing the color of our missedScoreCountObject materials, we’ll replace its main texture with the ‘shocked’ face. So this is what we’ll add to the manager script:
//@input Asset.Texture shockedFace
//@input Asset.Texture smileyFace
And we’ll replace the line that changes colors in onGameStart():
script.missedScoreCountObject[i].getComponent("Component.Image").mainPass.baseTex = script.smileyFace;
And in onMissed():
script.missedScoreCountObject[missedScore].getComponent("Component.Image").mainPass.baseTex = script.shockedFace;
We can also borrow some other styles from the referenced ‘pop art’ style, such as dot mesh, bold font, black and white frame, etc...
After spending some time changing our art style, here’s what our game looks like now:
Very vibrant!
Setting UI Layers
We also don’t want donuts to be in front of our UI. This can be solved by having 2 separate orthographic cameras with different layers.
*The segmented background bg-overlay which belongs to the Score Screen object should also be staying in Back Ortho Cam. So we’ll have to create a variable for that in Manager and toggle it in setState() function.
//@input SceneObject SegmentedBackground
function setState(gameStateInt){
//this means SegmentedBackground is only enabled when gameStateInt is not equal to 2
script.SegmentedBackground.enabled = (gameStateInt != 2);
Adding Tweens
Our game now looks so much more polished than where we left off last chapter! But if we look at the video of our gameplay, there are still a few things to be improved.
For example, our scene switch feels quite ‘stiff’ in general, things appear and disappear without any easing in between. A good way to smooth the transition is by adding Tween elements to it. Thankfully, Lens Studio has its own built-in Tween Manager system. Check out the Tween Manager guide page to learn more about it!
The best way to set up Tween logic without over-complicating our script is combining Behavior script with Tween.
For the tweens in Start Screen, we can have them on Play Automatically because they are only showing once.
For our Score Screen we can add a bounce tween to our score number every time the score refreshes, so we’ll add it in the updateScores() function:
if(currentScore > 0)
global.tweenManager.startTween(script.currentScoreNumber.getSceneObject(), "BOUNCE");
Then on the score number object we’ll add a Tween script with the name BOUNCE:
We’ll do the same for our failed score indicator (aka the yellow faces), and add a line in the onMissed() function:
function onMissed(){
if(missedScore < script.missedScoreCountObject.length){
global.tweenManager.startTween( script.missedScoreCountObject[missedScore], "BOUNCE");
For the Game Over Screen, we’ll set up an object with Behavior scripts and set all of the Triggers to be On Custom Trigger and the custom trigger to be ‘SHOW_END_SCREEN’. Then set Run Tween as its response, and input Target Object accordingly.
For each Target Object we’ll have a tween with the Tween Name SHOW attached to it. Then in our Manager script, we’ll just send out a Behavior trigger when Game Over Screen is enabled:
function setState(gameStateInt){
case 2://after game ended
That’s it, let’s take a look at our game:
Much better and bouncier!!
Final Touch -- Adding an Outline
Our mini game has quite a ‘sticker’ vibe to it. It would be amazing if we can have an outline to our segmentation background. The easiest way is to create a graph material and use the step node on a feathered segmentation mask therefore ‘expand’ the segmentation, then create another screen image with normal segmentation in front of it.
Here’s the setup for the segmentation outline:
And we also have to put an image with just a simple segmentation in front of our outlined effect:
And ta-daa~ Here we have a segmented outline around our person, now the whole game looks very much more cohesive:
Check out a more detailed description of this method here.
Adding Sounds
Without some fun sound effects to play at some crucial moments this game still doesn’t feel that complete.
We’ve prepared several sound effects, you can find them in the asset zip file at the bottom of this tutorial. We’ll create one SceneObject for each sound and create reference for them in Manager:
//@input Component.AudioComponent Sound_BGM
//@input Component.AudioComponent Sound_ERROR
//@input Component.AudioComponent Sound_SUCCESS
And in our SetState() function, we’ll play/stop Sound_BGM and Sound_SUCCESS:
function setState(gameStateInt){
case 0://before game starts
case 1://during game
case 2://after game ended
script.SegmentedBackground.enabled = !(gameStateInt == 2)
Last but not least, we’ll play Sound_ERROR in OnMissed().
function onMissed(){
if(missedScore < script.missedScoreCountObject.length){
Let’s play!
Scan the snapcode, and try out this lens!
Thank you all for following along this tutorial, please leave any feedback and questions in the comment.
✨Here are some awesome lenses created from this tutorial:
Puzzle Game by Mohamed Ouahbi
Candy Themed Catcher by Wolf
Ice Cream Catcher by Maha
I look forward to seeing your creations, please do not hesitate to post and share your lenses here! ^_^
Download the finished project here.
Download assets here.
hi Nico S
nice work and i love how you pushed people to create
but i didn't followed the tutorial in my lens
actually i made the lens before you made the first tutorial of this amaizing game
Thank you for all the effort you made
i will use the tutorial of my next lens
Wow! It’s finally here !! Thanks Nico for the awesome work and the mention
cant wait to see community creation on this
Wow! It’s finally here !! Thanks Nico for the awesome work and the mention
cant wait to see community creation on this
Thanks Nico for this very specific and engaged tutorial !
Thank you nico for these awesome tutorial!
Nice 👍
Nice! i like this info, maybe i can use it in one of my lenses
This is Awesome I have to try this.
This is Awesome I have to try this.
Hi @...
Awesome tutorial! I was wondering how you would change catching the donuts with your mouth to a tap trigger? And whether you can change it to a timer?
Thanks again!!
Hey @... !
If you want the donut to be 'eaten' when they are tapped, you'll need to create a TapEvent on your ObjectPrefab script. Also don't forget to attach a touch component to your donut prefabs. Then you'll just have to put the function onHit() under the tap event.
To create a countdown timer for the game there will be several scripting changes:
You'll need to first create a countdown timer, check out this post about creating a countdown timer for a lens:
Then you'll need to link several UI elements with your countdown timer so user can see on the screen the amount of time they have left in the game. The process is exactly the same as how we link UI elements with the current score number here.
Then in your countdown function wherever you're checking if the 'countdown time' has become 0, we'll call the OnGameEnd() function so the GameOver screen will display.
Happy creating ^^
Wow! Really amazing!
It’s finally here !! Thanks Nico for the awesome work and the mention.
cant wait to see community creation on this.
This is amazing Nico! It's cool to meet another game designer with the same name as me (especially another woman) ^.^ Hope to see more of your work
Wao that's great.
Hi I already met this problème you just have to double click on at the report challenge.Records to re uploaded it in your Mac you can find. You will this file to your venture folder.
Loved this tutorial thank you!! I made this cake catching game from it https://www.snapchat.com/unlock/?type=SNAPCODE&uuid=1a4b5cab80274a70b0a325bcaf25fa96&metadata=01
Hi Thanks for an amazing tutorial and sample. I have used this tutorial and downloaded the files. But for some reason the donuts are not being eaten by mouth. What can be the reason? Even used your downloaded files and its not working with the downloaded files as well.
Hi Afaq Aziz
Thanks for reporting the issue. The problem is due to a LS API update and I think the GetFacesCount was not recognized and I replaced it with GetFacesCount()
If you download the project again it should work now! Sorry about the inconvenience, and thanks for reporting ^_^
Hi Afaq Aziz
Thanks for reporting the issue. The problem is due to a LS API update and I think the GetFacesCount was not recognized and I replaced it with GetFacesCount()
If you download the project again it should work now! Sorry about the inconvenience, and thanks for reporting ^_^
Hi Nico
Thanks a lot for updating the files. I have one another question. How can I choose to show certain donuts. For example I tap on one button, it only shows yellow donuts. If I tap on another button it only shows blue donuts. Really appreciate your help.
I want the mouth poistion image to fix at certain y axis, so that it moves only in horizontal direction but cannot move in vertical directions. How can I achieve that. Please let me know.