"Invalid" & "This lens has errors" but no errors in logger and it works perfectly
I've been trying to submit a lens (and resubmitting it a few times) and it's been giving me "Invalid" & "This lens has errors. Please open the preview panel and check the log output" But the logger shows no errors.
Lens ID: cc7fe89f-43ba-4f01-8fd9-b62c76ee271c
FPS is 29 -> 30
Ram is 42.7
Size is 2.07
Triangles 51914 (I've successfully submitted bigger lenses)
And it works perfectly both in preview and when I push it to an iPhone 6.
I've made sure my project is in the correct folder with matching naming and the total size of the folder is 16.1 mb
I don't have any 2D animations or complicated scripts on it either so I can't really tell what the reason could be.
Hi Moe,
Thank you for reaching out!
We will follow up with you via email to get this resolved.
Hi Karolina,
This issue has been resolved now thank you :)
I went through all the scripts I had and found one that had an error:
// Bind the function to mouth opened event.
var mouthOpenEvent = script.createEvent("MouthOpenedEvent");
// Bind the function to mouth closed event.
var mouthOpenEvent = script.createEvent("MouthClosedEvent");
I corrected that AND disabled the script just in case and it worked.
Resubmitted the lens again and it went through! YAY!
Live lens with Invalid update ID: ebcb3ec9-ed47-4c8e-96ad-5846aa7f0ce5
Final Live lens ID: cc7fe89f-43ba-4f01-8fd9-b62c76ee271c
PS: for the My Lenses window, if we can have a way of organizing or managing all the lenses that would be very helpful for people who publish a lot of lenses.
A simple grouping, sorting system with the option to delete a lens would make life a lot easier cause now I can see ALL the lenses I've ever published (Live, Offline, invalid and even test submissions).
Again thank you for taking the time, much appreciated :)