Lens Studio
Bonjour à tous, euh j'ai quelques préoccupations.
-Alors la première est que j'aimerais savoir comment peut-on interpréter les statistiques des Lens que nous mettons en ligne
-En second je voudrais savoir s'il vous arrive que les gifs que vous mettez dans vos Lens sont lu en boucle même lorsque ce sont des gifs qui sont sensé defiler une seule fois.
-Enfin, vous-arrive t il que vos gifs ne suivent pas toujours les séquences que vous avez défini? c'est à dire que si vous faites un gif qui est sensé ecrire une phrase il se peut que le gif écrive le premier mot, ensuite le 4ème et le 3ème et le 6eme... d'où l'affichage est dephasé
Si vous avez des infos ou des solutions à ces problèmes merci bien de me répondre :)
Hi Tauguylar brice,
Can you clarify which online Lens statistics you need interpreted? Do you mean in My Lenses? Do you mean on your profile page? Perhaps these other posts can help you find your answer:
Also if you're making your own GIF animation (rather than using the GIPHY import), you should be able to define whether the animation loops or plays once. You can learn more about configuring your 2D Animation here.
Hi Katlyn,
thanks for the request, for the stats i would like to know what "scan" does mean, and "share" mean too? Can we say that the sum of Scan and Share = Total of person who has used the lens?
I define my gif animation but even i make it play once, in lens studio it plays loops
Hey Tauguylar brice,
Scans are the amount of times someone opens a Lens using a Lens Link or after physically scanning the Snapcode. And Shares are the amount of times someone sends a Lens to friends over direct messaging, through their story, etc. out of the Snapchat application.
For your animation, are you sure you unchecked "Always play" in the Inspector Panel?
Hi Kaitlyn,
Thank you so much for the precision about how to interpret Lens statistic. About the gif, I want to know where I can unchecked "always play" in the inspector panel...
Of course! Simply select your imported animation resource. In the
panel you will then see the animation settings for your animation resource. The fourth setting listed is "Always play":Hi Kaitlyn,
Thank you very very much, I just find it. Thank you for your disponibility and for the time you gave me for helping me. Thank You!