Video texture Lens Invalid
I'm trying to submit a Lens built with the new Marker template. I'm using the door open effect to reveal a sprite with a video texture.
The video texture complies with all the guidelines:
Dimensions: 720x720 pixels
Size: 526kB
FPS: Tried 29 - 29,97
The lens itself complies with the guidelines too, as far as I can tell.
Size: 1.31MB
RAM: ~40MB
FPS: ~29-30 FPS
An error was sometimes logged before, saying the Video file was invalid. I then re-added the file and shortened the name, which stopped the error from returning. But everytime I submit the Lens it will return as an invalid submission.
Lens ID: 173c545e-6123-4529-a262-4e49650db5bb
Is this a bug or am I missing something?
Hi Bram,
It's looking like the validation marker image is invalid. Did you follow the requirements for the marker here?
Thanks Kaitlyn, but submitting it with the default marker image results in the same error.
Got it; I'll follow up offline so we can take a deeper look.
Hello Bram,
Please delete the "Markers [REPLACE_ME]" folder in the resources panel and re-submit again.
Hi Amir,
Thanks for your reply. I deleted the folder like you said, but the lens was declared Invalid after a few seconds again.
Hey Bram,
Can you please delete all the image marker and snapcodes from your project file and then create a new image marker.
Make sure in your project files you only have a image marker that you just created.
Let me know if it works for you.
That seemed to do the trick, Amir!
Still waiting for the review now, but at least it didn't get declared invalid right away.
So this has to do with an invalid image marker still being in the project, right?
Thanks for the help!
Yes exactly.
We're working on the fix now and it should be fix in next release.