3D Polygon Count
I had a question regarding polygon count. In the Submission Performance and Optimization Guide it states:
3D Models: Try to keep your models under
5,000 polygons (10,000 triangles)
for best performance. Lens Studio will not allow you to import a model that has more than65,535 vertices
Is this per Scene or only per Model, as stated? If it's per Model ... is there an overall Scene polygon limit or it it fairly open as long as the other guidelines, frame-rate and acceptable performance are met? Any information would be greatly appreciated.
The limit only applies to the model and not the entire scene. So yes, technically you are correct in that it's fairly open as long as your lens is within the limits of frame rate, memory consumption and size on disk. I would recommend testing your experiance on a middle end Android device in addition to a middle end iPhone device for an experiences that is pushing the Lens limits. The experiance might work great on the newest iPhone but when you load it up on a lower end device, it might have problems with frame rate and memory consumption. Hope that helps!
Just found this in case someone is searching for the answer now https://support.lensstudio.snapchat.com/hc/en-us/articles/360031425771-How-many-polygons-are-supported-in-a-Lens-scene-
which conflicts with this https://docs.snap.com/lens-studio/references/guides/adding-content/3d/exporting-content/blender-3d-object-export but I think 5k polys with quads can be too low for more organic shaped models