This is part 2 of the AR Scavenger Hunt Series
The template in this course comes with a default game that you can experience to see first hand how AR can create a scavenger hunt experience.
To set it up, print out this page, which contains Image Markers which acts as visual keys to unlock stages in the scavenger hunt. Then, place these Image Markers in locations where you want the player to explore.
For example, you may want to place the Image Marker of the spaceship by a bookshelf that contains books about Space. In this way, you start to blend in real reality, with the virtual world and immerse your players.
Similarly, you want to place the Image Marker for a space suit by a closet with clothes. Here with the front camera, you can provide the player with a particular sensation to bring them closer into the imaginative reality.
After having all the right equipment, the player can then unlock a portal to go into their ‘space expedition’.
As mentioned before, AR is great as it allows you to create magical experiences from the everyday. By entering the portal, the user is transported into a transformed world where there are asteroids among them.
Here they are told to look around and tap on the asteroids to collect them.
Tip: With AR you can create magical props for your experience that changes with every game play easily, without having to go to a store and set them up!
After collecting enough asteroids, the same portal appears and the player gets to ‘come home’ after successfully completing the mission.
While this example is short and sweet, it showcases a few things that AR allows you to do:
- Take the real world into account when designing an experience, encouraging users to see the world as a creative canvas for them to explore
- How AR can create different sensations about the world and for the user--such as wearing the helmet, looking around through the Lens, or the success of confettis flying around you.
- A Scavenger Hunt can involve many different experiences (scanning markers, finding objects, people or pets, tapping 3D objects, etc.) which can keep things fresh and the player on their toes!
Active Learning Questions
- What was your favorite part of the experience, and why?
- How did the experience make you feel? Although you and the world didn’t really change throughout the game, did seeing yourself or the world in a different light change how you interact with it?
- How would you set up the game? How can the game be improved?
Previous Session:
How AR Augments Scavenger Hunt
Next Session: