This course provides two resources:
- A template that helps you create your own AR Scavenger Hunt
- An activity to help you think about how AR camera can be used in our day to day life to create fun and unique mini games and challenges.
Scavenger Hunt Template
The Scavenger Hunt Template allows you to set up a scavenger hunt game by using augmented reality and computer vision to create puzzles for people to solve.
The template provides a way to build your own puzzles by replacing the art content in the template and utilizing provided triggers, such as scanning an image or an animal, to unlock stages of the game.
To make your own AR Scavenger Hunt, you can download the page above and go to section 4 to learn about how you can build your own game with Lens Studio.
You can build your game with no code using the handy template scripts and other helper scripts!
About this Course
In addition, this is also a great introductory course on how to think about AR. More than just a popular and emerging technology, AR is a great entry to learning about design and engineering as the best experience is a culmination of both skill sets coming together. Through Lens Studio, you can explore AR and these two disciplines simultaneously with or without a background in both.
If you’re an educator or parent, this course will also provide some example active learning questions and activities you can use to introduce others to the exciting creative world of AR. You can even set up the example game provided in the template to facilitate an activity, before allowing others to make their own!
We’ll walk through activities that might help you when thinking about AR and games